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The Master Course Catalog

The term Course refers to a specific body of knowledge, or curriculum, that you may make available to your students (customers). A Class, on the other hand, is an instance of a Course -- a Class entity specifies not only what will be taught (the Course), but when, where, and by whom it will be taught, among other attributes.

The Master Course Catalog, as it's name implies, is the list of products (Courses) that may be offered to your customers at various times throughout the academic year. The Course Catalog should be organized using a hierarchial numbering scheme, incorporating Department and sub-department placeholders (much like a college numbering system). The following table demonstrates this technique:

Sample Course Catalog
1000 Computer / Business Department
1100 Computer Applications
1110 Word Processing
1111 Corel Word Perfect
1112 MS Word
1120 Programming
1121 Introduction to BASIC
1122 Advanced Basic
1200 Finance
2000 English Department
2100 Freshman English
2111 English I
(first semester)
2112 English II
(second semester)
2200 Sophomore English
2300 Junior English
2400 Senior English
3000 Fine/Practical Arts/Languages
4000 Industrial Arts Department
4100 Automotive
4200 Woodworking
4300 Metalworking
5000 Mathematics Department
5100 General Math
5200 Algebra
5300 Geometry
5400 Calculus
6000 Pysical Education - GED
7000 Science Department
8000 Social Studies Department
9000 Adult Basic Education

To help enforce this Department / Sub-Department hierarchy, STUREC© will not let you create a Class from any Course number that ends in zero(0) -- such course numers are organizational placeholders used primarily when constructing Graduation Requirement Sets (Grad Sets), for use by the Automatic Credit Analysis. When creating your Course Catalog, keep in mind that you can only receive funding for the first time a student receives Credit for a given Course, which means that for courses that spa ollment periods, you will have to give it a different number for each enrollment period. For example, if "Freshman English" is an 18 week course, but you are running quarters, then you would create two entries in the Course Catalog: "2101 - Freshman English I", and "2102 - Freshman English II". With different course numbers for each enrollment period, neither STUREC© nor your auditor will complain.

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