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Snow day on Count Day

Rules Redefined...

Section 3A of the Pupil Accounting Manual has been redefined with this language.

*For a district or building in which school is not in session on that Wednesday due to 
conditions not within the control of school authorities,
with the approval of the 
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
the immediately following day on which 
school is in session in the district or building. (should be used)

This is the old language, which apparently is no longer in effect.

**For a district not in session on the supplemental count day, the immediately 
preceding day on which the district is in session must be used. 

You may want to consult this link.

It happens, we live in Michigan. Simply tell STUREC© the date of the Count Date you will be using. Remember it is now the next day you had classes after the legislated Count Date. If your school was closed on the official Count Date then you would use the attendance records from the day after, unless you were closed then too. In which case you would use the next day that your district was in session. 

In STUREC© go into Menu:7.1. Manage Enrollment Periods for the appropriate academic year. When the semester display appears, move the pointer to the appropriate semester and press Enter to enter the edit mode. Press Enter until you get to the COUNT DATE field. Change it to the first scheduled day of school after the official Count Date, whatever is appropriate for you. You will be asked if you are sure you want to change the date. Answer Yes. Each time STUREC© gives you gas about the changed date, answer the question appropriately. At the end, you will get a red message box and asking you to confirm that you want to apply the date change to all records. Answer Yes. That's it!  To make your life easier, you will probably want to go to Menu:7.8. and Close school for the date(s) that school was closed.

Now you can go about your business of the FTE audit as you normally would and STUREC© will know the Count Date you are using. The legislated count date will be put into the MSDS file even though you may have used a different count date locally.

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