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Section 107 Follow-up Report 

Form AE-4859 Rev. 8/06  (and other random times)

You can find this report at Menu: 107 Followup in your trusty STUREC(c)

Report adults counted as participants from July 1 to June 30 of the program year that met objectives by: ABE - increase at least one grade level in Reading or Math; ESL - achievement of basic English proficiency; GED - Pasage of the GED test or one or more individual components; HSC - passage of a course required for a diploma, or Obtained Diploma; OR - completion of a course and demonstration of proficiency in the academic skills to be learned in the course, as applicable. This is the "Michigan Department of Education form AE-4859" Rev.8/06.

Let's break this into small bite-sized chunks so a stupid computer can understand. (and its not-so-bright programmer).

"counted as participants" this means the student must have been counted for Participant FTE in October or February (also July or April if you counted those periods).

STUREC(c) checks these things:

"ABE - increase at least one Grade Level
     are they are enrolled as ABE?
     do they have more than zero actual FTE in a 9000 class?
     do they have a pre-test dated April 1of last school year, or later?
     if yes, record the type (Reading, Math or Language/Listening) and score.
        do they have a post-test dated between July 1 June 30 of the current year?
        if yes, does the type match the pre-test?
           if yes, is the Grade Level of the post-test higher than the pre-test Grade Level?
             if yes
                *- one headcount will be added to the line headcount column
                *- the actual FTE value for all 9000 classes with a recorded final grade of 
                    "P" or  "S" (Passing or Satisfactory) will be added to the FTE column.

"ESL - achievement of basic English proficiency"
     are they are enrolled as ESL?
     do they have more than zero actual FTE in a 9000 class?
     do they have a pre-test dated April 1of last school year, or later?
     is the pre-test EFL less than the highest level?
     if yes
       do they have a post-test dated between July 1 and June 30 of the current year?
       if yes, is the EFL equal to High Advanced or higher?
          if yes
            *- one headcount will be added to the line headcount column
            *- the actual FTE value for all 9000 classes with a recorded final grade of 
                "P" or "S" (Passing or Satisfactory) will be added to the FTE column.

"GED - Pasage of the GED test"
are they enrolled as a GED?
     do they have more than zero actual FTE in a non-9000 class?
     do they have a GED Certificate date within the school year?
      if yes
          *- one headcount will be added to the earned GED line headcount column
          *- the actual FTE value for all non-9000 classes with passing final grades 
              will be added to the FTE column.

"GED - Pasage of an individual GED component test"
are they enrolled as a GED?
     do they have more than zero actual FTE in a non-9000 class?
     do they have a GED component test with a passing scored dated within the school year?
      if yes
          *- one headcount will be added to the passed component line headcount column
          *- the actual FTE value for all non-9000 classes with passing final grades 
              will be added to the component FTE column.

"HSC - passage of a course required for a diploma"
     are they are enrolled as ASE or HSC or HSD?
     do they have more than zero actual FTE in a non-9000 class?
     did they receive a final grade of A,B,C,D or P?
     if yes
          *- one headcount will be added to the line headcount column
          *- the actual FTE value for all non-9000 classes with a passing grade 
              will be added to the FTE column

"HSC - Obtained Diploma"
     do they have more than zero actual FTE in a non-9000 class?
     do they have a High School Diploma date within the school year?
      if yes
          *- one headcount will be added to the line headcount column
          *- the actual FTE value for all non-9000 classes with a passing grade
              will be added to the FTE column


"completion of a course and demonstration of proficiency in
the academic skills to be learned in the course, as applicable."

     are they enrolled as ABE, ESL, GED or HSD?
     do they have more than zero actual FTE in any class?
     did they receive a final grade of A,B,C,D or P,S?
     were they not counted on any line above?
     if yes
          *- one headcount will be added to the line headcount column
          *- the actual FTE value for any classes with passing grades 
              will be added to the FTE column

For any Component/Objective, all the questions must be answered "Yes". A student may only be counted on one line.

See, a computer is pretty dumb. Other than numbers, everything must be broken into a series of questions that can be answered with a Yes or a No. This is called a "decision diamond" or preferably "binary logic". If the question asked is answered with a Yes, then another question is asked or a particular task is performed. If a question is answered with a No then the same thing happens; another question is asked or a task performed. In this design, "No" answers will mean that no more questions will be asked and the computer program will skip to the next student and begin asking questions all over again. Only when all questions in a group result in Yes answers will the student be counted for this report. In all except the ABE line, the order the questions are asked is not significant. 

Fortunately, the computer can do this very quickly and never gets bored or tired.

Speaking of ABE, there is a little conundrum we need to face. You enter your "Official Assessments" scores as standardized or scale scores which equate to EFLs not grade levels, now you must also enter the Grade Equivalent when your record the scores. 

If you disagree with the results produced by this report, by all means change the results to reflect what you believe to be a better representation of your program before you sign the document and turn it in.

*** Please note clarification ***

The concept of "ABE" or "ESL" or "GED" or "HSC" are derived by STUREC(c) from the data you enter on the Student Data screen via the "LR" Local Registration.  At that time you should also enter the correct and matching GRID CODE. this is the code used to derive the data for the DS-4061-A Summary report.  It is your responsibility to make sure that you enter the correct and matching data in the MSDS or SD panel on the Student Data screen.  If the values entered for GRID CODE do not match and equate to the data entered into the Adult Education Program Code and Diploma Status then you will be questioned by the folks from MAERS!  These two sets of data MUST MATCH!

If you have further questions interpreting rules as promulgated by the Department of Labor and Economic Growth., please be kind enough to contact one of their fine staff for a full and complete explanation of their own rules. 

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